Thanks for visiting my music blog. My goal is to shed some light on independent music, artists you might not otherwise have heard of, and also take a look at some popular acts whose work I recently discovered. I also like to have a little fun, posting some must-see videos and enjoying the lighter side of the scene. And don't forget to add your own comments and suggestions. I welcome any and all feedback. Please to enjoy!

Friday, March 5, 2010

When all are one and one is all

How do you make one of the most over-played songs interesting again? How about making it an instrumental...finger-tapping the entire thing...on two different the same time.



  1. Impressive, but I still prefer Zappa's version where the groove is changed to reggae and the horn section plays the original guitar solo note for note.

  2. I've known about SJ's double guitar playing for a long time, but this is a particularly amazing performance. Good pick.

    Rodrigo y Gabriela have a cool version of StH too, it's cool that one song has such a wide variety of stylistically (is that a word?) different covers out there.


I welcome your comments and opinions as well. Just keep 'em clean.